domingo, 20 de julio de 2008

(1979) Queen - The Champions

I don't know if this one is a hard-to-find item, but it's very interesting and a well produced documentary.

I don't have too much information about this item, but it's pretty much "educational" XD.

I want to apologize with all of you for all these months with non-updated stuff. plenty of things have happened which made me almost impossible to cope with both, my personal life and the blog.

Thank God I'm back and ready to rumble you with new upcoming bootlegs and other stuff.

Thank you so much to Matty for all the support during this period of time. Thanks for being my friend :)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

2 comentarios:

Matty dijo...

Oh my God
gulp... besitos... na po, un abrazo no mas.

Blackthorne dijo...

gracias por la descarga este lo bajé por el hub pero siempre es bueno tenerlo de otros lados